
Intermediate Heels Queen

Cardiff , United Kingdom

This entitles you to the Intermediate course & ALL Tuesday Open Classes in November.


Cardiff Intermediate October

Cardiff , United Kingdom

This entitles you to the Intermediate course in Cardiff for November on the following dates:   29/10 05/11 12/11 19/11


Cardiff Inter-Foundation Wednesday

Cardiff , United Kingdom

This entitles you to the Inter-Foundation course every Wednesday in November: 30/10 06/11 13/11 20/11  


Inter-Foundation Wednesday Heels Queen

Cardiff , United Kingdom

NOVEMBER This entitles you to the Inter-Found WEDNESDAY course 8:30pm. & all Inter-Found open classes in November. Wednesdays at 7:30pm.


Cardiff Ultra Queen WEDNESDAY

Cardiff , United Kingdom

NOVEMBER This entitles you to the WEDNESDAY Inter-Found course 8:30 all Inter-Found open classes Wednesdays 7:30 & all Beginners open classes Thursdays 7:15.


Full Queen Interfoundation Wednesday

Cardiff , United Kingdom

NOVEMBER This entitles you to: Wednesday IF course 8:30 IF open classes 7:30 Wednesday Beginners open classes 7:15 Thursday Beginners commercial course 3pm Sunday


Cardiff Inter-Foundation Thursday

Cardiff , United Kingdom

This entitles you to the Inter-foundation course every Thursday in November:   31/10 07/11 14/11 21/11


Inter-Foundation Thursday Heels Queen

Cardiff , United Kingdom

NOVEMBER This entitles you to the Inter-Found THURSDAY course 8:15pm & all Inter-found open classes in October Wednesdays 7:30pm.


Cardiff Ultra Queen InterFound THURSDAY

Cardiff , United Kingdom

NOVEMBER This entitles you to the THURSDAY Inter-Foundation course 8:15pm all Inter-Found open classes Wednesdays 7:30pm & all Beginners open classes Thursdays 7:15pm.


Full Queen InterFoundation Thursday

Cardiff , United Kingdom

NOVEMBER This entitles you to: Thursday IF course 8:15 IF open classes 7:30 Wednesday Beginners open classes 7:15 Thursday Beginners commercial course 3pm Sunday


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